Easily changeable later without disturbing your content. We strongly recommend you to keep same design as that of corresponding Resume
All Templates
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Fresher / Student
Single Column Resumes
Global Citizen Green - CL
Traditional Blue - CL
Global Citizen Red - CL
Amsterdam - CL
London - CL
Traditional Maroon - CL
Modern Teal - CL
California - CL
Material Color - CL
Barcelona - CL
Basic 3 CL
Some error occured.
Welcome to our state-of-the-art online resume builder, with 20+ premium designs and hundreds of ready-to-use templates tailored to your profile. Jump-start your job search with customized resumes using our online resume builder so you can deliver that ‘wow’ factor to the recruiter! Like the layout of a design but not too sure about the color? Fret not. In our online resume builder, you can customize each template as per your wishes - from changing the primary/secondary color to uniformly increasing/decreasing sectional spacing across your resume. Our online resume builder promised the ‘wow’ factor after all, didn’t it? Step up from the competition by trying out infinite variations of our premium and free designs on the online resume builder. No more sending the same drab resume everywhere. Using our online resume builder, you can customize your resume (content, colours, layout, single/double column, spacing, you name it) as per the requirements of the recruiter and JD. To further seal the deal, our online resume builder also has a built-in job search portal. Update your resume and apply for thousands of jobs across the globe on the fly using our online resume builder. Wow factor is what our online resume builder promises, and that is what it delivers. Don’t trust us? Check it out now!