Application Developer Resume: Complete Guide with Section-wise Examples

[Click here to directly go to the complete Application Developer resume sample]

Think about this for a minute...

Your mobile application developer resume does the talking for you before you get the opportunity to be interviewed by the recruiters.

Sounds like a dream, right?

We've written this in-depth guide to help you turn this dream into a reality.

We'll help you write a resume that can exhibit the best about you to the recruiters and give you a higher chance than the other applicants to be shortlisted for the targeted Application Developer job profile.

Here is the summary of our mobile app resume blog:

  • Application Developer Resume Contact Information Section: Include links to your Kaggle, GitHub, LinkedIn profiles
  • Application Developer Resume Skills Section: Make separate sections for managerial and technical skills
  • Application Developer Resume Professional Experience Section: Highlight important words and group similar points together
  • Application Developer Resume Volunteer Section: Make a separate section if you have volunteered for social causes

The following tips can help you write the finest Application Developer resume:

Hiration's Online Resume Builder is your one-stop for building the ideal job-winning resume for an application developer.

How to Build an Application Developer Resume Using a Suitable Resume Format?

A correct mobile application developer resume format can do a lot for you!

But you need to be able to pick the right resume format before you start building up your application developer job resume.

Ideally, the most preferred resume format is the Chronological format wherein you
organize your work experience from your most recent to oldest.

It emphasizes your recent work profile that is relevant to the current job profile that you are applying for so that the recruiters can recognize your suitability for the targeted job profile.

For those with complex work records or career hoppers, the Functional format can do the tricks for you.

It is a skill-based mobile app resume format so the focus is on highlighting your skills rather than the timeline of your career. So unless the stated situation in your career exists, you should avoid this resume format.

You can opt for the Combination resume format if you want to equally highlight your skills and work history.

It is more or less the combination of the reverse chronological resume format and the functional resume format. Hence it is a combination of your career timeline and professional skills.

How to Organize an Application Developer Resume by Including Distinct Sections?

Learn how to divide your mobile app resume into discrete sections or categories to make your senior application developer resume stand out.

Compartmentalize your mobile application developer resume into distinct sections so that every detail you enter in your IT application developer resume can communicate something important to the recruiters to make them acknowledge your potential and get in touch with you.

The sections displayed on our infographic show all the standard mobile app resume sections that can help you to effectively organize your information in a resume.

Aside from the standard sections, you can always add the below-mentioned sections that are optional:

  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Get the most out of your desktop application developer resume sections by reading Hiration's Guide to sections in a resume and learn about picking the most suitable sections for your resume.

Also Check Out:

How to Perfect the Header Section of an Application Developer Resume?

Let us start from the topmost section of your senior application developer resume.

Now, you need to label your resume, add your contact details, and provide your current location.

Read on to understand the impact your mobile application developer resume header has on your job application.

Application Developer Resume: Header

The header of a mobile app resume should be your name.

Writing your name as the header can make it easier for the recruiters to monitor your resume during the hiring process as your name sets you apart from the rest of the applicants.

Simply write your real name on the topmost part of your mobile application developer resume, and make sure to use the largest text in the ideal font size of 16-20 to make it stand out in your application developer resume.

It should be visible and easily noticeable with just a glance.

Hiration’s Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header can help you learn about mobile app resume headers in detail.

Given below is an ideal resume header illustrated in our application developer resume example:

This given snapshot is from a resume that we have made with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder.

Application Developer Resume: Personal Information

Add the details of the following in your personal information segment:

  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Current Location
  • LinkedIn Link
  • GitHub & Kaggle Link

Hiration Pro Tip:

It is advisable to add your other information such as your Linkedin, GitHub, or any other well-maintained personal website URL(s).

Contact Number: There is no point in writing a mobile application developer resume if there are no contact details in your resume for the recruiters to contact you.

Some hiring managers may want to interview you over the phone or simply call you up to fix interview dates of face-to-face meetings before finalizing your shortlist.

Always provide your active contact number so that the recruiters can easily contact you. Make it a point to cross-check if you have entered the correct contact number before sending out your mobile app resume.

In addition to this, if you want to nail that interview, then head to Hiration's Online Resume Builder and use our Interview Preparation feature to get access to 100+ interview questions asked by recruiters.

Email Address: Email is not only efficient but also effective for communications. So make sure to add your email address in your mobile application developer resume for the recruiters to connect with you.

Be professional by giving out only the email address that has your real name and not the ones that have your nickname or some made-up names.

You cannot expect the recruiters to take you seriously with an email address that is something like

Current Location: If you are looking to move for a job opportunity, you may write your current state and city else simply mention your city and state.

LinkedIn Link: A link of an updated LinkedIn profile can provide lengths and breadths of insights to the recruiter on how you are as a professional and what are your achievements. And the 'Endorsements' section of this platform acts like an icing on the cake.

GitHub & Kaggle Links: If you have GitHub and Kaggle accounts, then make sure to add them in your personal information section as well. They can provide a great level of information about your proficiency level with various projects to the recruiter.

Leave out details like your house number, locality name, street number, etc. as they are not relevant to your job application.

Given below is a table that will help you understand the dos and don'ts of the personal information section better.

Information To Add Information To Avoid
Personal email address Professional email address
Current location Complete address with pin code
LinkedIn Link Gender
GitHub Link Date of birth
Kaggle Link Marital status
Portfolio Link Religion

Everything else you need to know about personal information on a resume can be found in Hiration's Guide to composing your contact information.

An ideal personal information section is demonstrated in the given application developer resume sample:

Also, if you're not sure about your LinkedIn profile, then you can check out Hiration's LinkedIn Review Feature here and get a complete analysis of your LinkedIn profile.

Application Developer Resume: Profile Title

Your application developer resume profile for application developer should communicate your professional status to the recruiters.

It should exhibit current designation, the functional industry you are familiar with, and your seniority level in the line of work that you practice.

Avoid magnifying or over-sating your profile title as it is simply lying if you do not have the required qualification or experience to shoulder the targeted job profile.

A senior applicant will go for a senior job profile and likewise, a junior applicant should go for the same level of the job profile.

A fresher should not apply for a senior level Applicant Developer job profile because one requires years of experience, training, etc.

Also, lying about your professional status and level in your mobile app resume may lead to the rejection of your job application.

Always mention the specific profile title that defines you as a professional in your resume to avoid unnecessary hiccups in your job application.

Follow the below-mentioned guidelines to write your mobile application developer resume profile for application developer:

  • It should be the second-largest text in your resume after the mobile app resume header.
  • It should ideally be written in 14-16 font size.

Here is a snapshot of an ideal profile title from our mobile application developer resume pdf:

How to Make a Professional Experience Section in an Application Developer Resume?

Reserve a separate section in your mobile application developer resume for communicating your work experience to the recruiters under the heading 'Professional Experience'.

Now keep this in mind while writing your work experience section!

Everything you write should be on point so that the recruiters can grasp what your work history says about you.

If you master this section, then there is a higher chance for you to get shortlisted by the recruiters.

Framing Points: The best way to communicate your professional experience to the recruiters is by writing crisp one-liners.

A paragraph may fail to highlight your work history but, one-liner statements will never fail to get your point across to the recruiters.

Stick to using bullet points and listing all your work records in a clear point so that the recruiters can easily read through your professional experience section.

Power Verbs: Now, you must make sure to use suitable power verbs to start every point that you frame in your work experience section.

Doing so can help you avoid repeating the same words while describing your work experience in your resume.

It can help you elaborate on the roles and responsibilities that you have held and the duties that you have effectively executed in your current or previous organization.

Refer to this list given below to see which words you can use to start your points and which you should avoid.

Words To Use Words To Avoid
Translated Constantly
Designed I am
Improved Worked
Liaised Involved
Implemented Used
Led Lead

Achievement Figures: The straightforward way to let the recruiters know that you are a suitable applicant for the targeted job profile is by providing your achievement figure.

The recruiters are on the lookout for applicants who can deliver value to the organization and hence mentioning your achievement figure in your mobile app resume can get you on the most likely to be shortlisted list.

Simply mention the value you have contributed to the previous organization and make it easier for the recruiters to acknowledge your job application.

Grouping: Framed points can be made effective once you list them under distinct and unique headings that highlight your professional roles and responsibilities.

By listing similar points under relevant buckets you can easily organize your one-liners and the recruiters will find it easier to make out what all roles and responsibilities you are familiar with.

Highlighting: Highlighting means to bold a word or phrase in your one-liners. But you cannot simply bold anything without putting thought into it.

You need to pick some words or phrases in your one-liner points and bold them so that the recruiters can easily notice them in your work experience section.

It is a sure way to get the attention of the recruiters towards those points that have relevance and impact on the targeted job description.

Projects: If you've worked on major projects in your previous company, then it is important to highlight all those projects in your resume in a correct manner.

To make sure that all your projects get highlighted correctly, make a sub-header named 'Key Projects' at the end of your work experience section and then list out all your projects in reverse chronological order.

While making this sub-section, put less emphasis on the project descriptions and focus more on your contributions and achievements. To do so, make sure that all your project descriptions are only of one line.

Always implement the above-discussed factors in your professional experience section to communicate your work history to the recruiters.

And also make sure to read Hiration's Blog on how to compose the work experience in your resume to learn more about this section.

Application Developer Resume Sample for Professional Experience

Here is a mobile application developer resume sample of an ideal professional experience section for your reference:

Our Online Resume Builder has a Free Online Resume Review Service that you can avail and get your resume reviewed by mobile app resume experts here at Hiration.

How to Include the Details of Educational Background in an Application Developer Resume?

Most employers seek those application developers with a bachelor's degree in computer science or some relevant field of study.

So make sure that you possess a bachelor's degree in any of the said fields of study and provide its details in your resume.

Also, if you are a professional with no or less work experience, a fresher writing an entry-level application developer resume then you must not miss out on this section.

You can make up for the lack of professional experience by presenting your educational background in your application developer intern resume.

Mention the following details in the education section of your application developer intern resume:

  • The name of the school/university you have attended.
  • the name of the courses you have studied.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • your enrollment and graduation dates in month & year format.

Read Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume to learn about this section in detail before you start framing your resume.

Here's a mobile application developer resume sample showcasing the ideal education section for your application developer intern resume:

Application Developer Resume: Certifications

List your certification details in your resume but always make sure that they are relevant to the targeted job profile.

It can help you stand apart from other applicants and demonstrate your passion and validate the skills that you possess.

The certifications section of your mobile app resume communicates the following details about you:

  • Certification name.
  • Name of the affiliated institute.
  • Location of the affiliated institute.
  • Enrollment and completion date of the certification.

Given-below is 4 certifications that one can consider pursuing in order to become an application developer:

  • Microsoft Technology Associate Certification
  • Microsoft Azure Compute for Developers
  • Amazon Web Services Certified Developer – Associate Level
  • Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop

Head to Hiration's Guide to listing certifications on a resume and get more knowledge of the certification section.

The given application developer resume example is a clear representation of an ideal certification section in a resume for application developer:

Take professional assistance and fabricate your resume from our Online Resume Builder.

Also Check Out:

How to Strategically Place Application Developer Resume Skills on a Distinct Skills Section?

How to list skills on a mobile application developer resume?

It is simple but you need to be careful while framing this section because it is an important segment of your web application developer resume:

Recruiters nowadays use the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to eliminate those resumes that don't have the required keywords.

The application developer keywords in the resume make a huge difference in your job application because the ATS can capture only those resumes that have suitable keywords relevant to the targeted job profile.

Hence if you do not use the right set of keywords then your resume profile for an application developer may never get past the ATS and hence never be acknowledged by the recruiters.

To take control of this stated situation you should pick your core skills from the professional experience section and include them in your skills section.

Your technical skills for application developer in a resume should be on a separate section but right under the Key skills section.

Doing so can help you communicate both your functional skills and technical skills which will be required for an applicant to possess to be suitable for the targeted job profile.

Maintain a crisp and on-point skills section to get your mobile application developer resume past the ATS and be acknowledged by the recruiters.

Have a look at the table given below to get a better understanding of the key skills section and the technical skills section.

Application Development C++
Debugging Python
Vulnerability Scan JavaScript
Distributed Computing PHP
Technical Support SQL
Web Application Programming Linux

Still not clear about how to list skills on a mobile application developer resume?

Read our guide to list skills on a resume to curate your skills section with perfection.

You can clearly see what an ideal skills section should be created from the attached application developer resume sample:

The Job Match Feature

If you opt for making your resume on Hiration's Online Resume Builder, then you can make use of our Job Match feature to add relevant skills to your resume and tailor your resume for specific jobs within minutes.

Take a look at the below-given picture to get a better idea of how our Job Match feature work.

How to Curate an Impeccable Overview of an Application Developer Resume?

Include a suitable mobile application developer resume summary to make sure that the recruiters can get an insight into your resume even without reading through the entire mobile app resume.

The recruiters ideally spend 6 mere seconds scanning through a resume which is not enough to grasp every detail fabricated in your mobile application developer resume.

Now, you need to have a mobbile application developer resume summary to make it easier for the recruiters in assessing your mobile app resume.

Application Developer Resume Summary

The rule to write a suitable application developer resume summary is simple if you read through the below-given guidelines:

  • Avoid unnecessary editing of your mobile application developer resume summary by including it in your mobile application developer resume only after completing every other segment.
  • The highlights of your career in the work experience section should be picked and mentioned in your resume summary.
  • An ideal mobile application developer resume summary should be framed in 3-4 lines. But if your work experience is 10+ years then you can write a 5 lines max.
  • Also do remember that a resume summary should be included only if your professional work history is more than 3 years.

Read our resume summary guide to learn about creating the perfect mobile application developer resume summary for your desktop application developer resume.

The below-given application developer resume sample is the ideal way to curate a suitable application developer resume summary:

In case you need to write an entry-level application developer resume or application developer intern resume then you can opt for an application developer resume objective.

Hiration's guide on resume objectives has all that you need to learn to write the perfect application developer resume objective.

The AI Review Feature

Experience hassle-free mobile app resume writing experience with Hiration's Online Resume Builder. by using features like AI Review to get the bullet and section-level analysis of your resume.

Look at the picture given below to see how Hiration's AI Review feature works.

Which Resume Review Services Are Provided by Hiration?

Get professional assistance to curate your mobile application developer resume to raise your chances of being shortlisted by the recruiters.

The below-mentioned parameters are kept in check while reviewing your resume:

  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting

And do make use of our Resume Review Service that is made absolutely free for you!

Also Check Out:

What Features Are There in Hiration's Online Resume Builder?

Here is a list of the resources that come with Hiration's Online Resume Builder:

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Application Developer Sample Resume

Our application developer resume sample is attached below to give you an insight into what all goes into creating the perfect resume for an application developer:

Ron Swanson
Application Developer
8+ years experienced Computer Science professional highly skilled in software and application development, debugging, and programming as a part of creating impeccable web and mobile applications. Proficient in liaising with IT experts to resolve the queries of the employees to optimize the workflow. Dexterous in conducting performance testing and managing operations with respect to cloud computing and delivering the projects in a timely manner.

• Application Development • Web Application Programming • Debugging • Cloud Computing • Network Applications
• Performance & Functionality Testing • Port & Vulnerability Scans • Security Awareness Programs
• Distributed Computing • Data Structure • Algorithms • Operating Systems • Technical Support
  • Languages: C++, C, Python, Java, JavaScript, ActionScript, PHP, HTML/CSS, SQL
  • Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
  • DBMS: MySQL, NoSQL (MongoDB)
  • Technologies: Eclipse, JQuery, XML, JSON, RESTful Applications, FTP (Filezilla), Apache Web Server, Linux Server administration, SSH, Network Mapper, Wireshark, Security Tools, Microsoft Office Suite, MATLAB, SaaS
  • Web Frameworks: Django (Python), Google App Engine, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal
Software Developer
Covfefe Inc.
Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
    Covfefe Inc. is one of the leading players of the tech space in Northern and Southern America, serving ~20,000 clients
    Web & Mobile Application Development
    • Translating software requirements into workable program codes of 3+ mobile applications to meet customer needs
    • Designing an IOS application for 3 NGOs with features like survey form, barcodes, attendance tracker, dashboards, etc.
    • Creating a web application for an in-house business development team to manage the data on clients & product inventory
    • Improving the barcode feature of an Android application for managing the supply chain and reduced manual effort by 30%

    Web Application Designing & Android Application Testing
    • Liaising with the 5+ UI/UX Designers and implemented unique designs for portrait & landscape mode of the company application
    • Implementing the customization of the web view component to load an SWF file and HTML data
    • Troubleshooting the mobile applications using Log cat, DDMS and tested the application on various Android devices

    Product Management and Technical Support
    • Supporting the HR partners, employees, managers, and the operations team to resolve product management queries
    • Liaising with computer programmers, IT experts & senior software engineers to solve technical problems
    • Formulating the requirements of the management and the team members to address administrative & operational issues

    Debugging and Programming
    • Enhancing existing technologies and solutions to increase efficiency by ~25%
    • Debugging and troubleshooting the software via Radare2 to ensure the efficiency of tasks
    • Deploying various programming languages like C, C++, Perl, Python, COBOL, dc HTML, and CNO tools to implement algorithms

    Performance Testing & Enhancement
    • Creating technical presentations to brief the employees about the usage of complex tools and techniques
    • Writing code to improve the functionality of the software, and designing operating systems, software, and databases
    • Tracking the changes in coding by deploying version control tools such as Git, CVS, SVN, etc.
    • Conducting functionality test and installed JMeter to test the performance of various web applications

    Key Achievements
    • Strengthened company security by deploying various firewalls and security tools and minimized breach by 99.99%
    • Received a grant of USD 100,000 to switch to cloud computing to revolutionize the entire computing system
    Associate Software Engineer
    NetSecure Cyber Security
    Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
      NetSecure is a cyber security firm with threat prevention platforms that has more than 5,000 customers across 25 countries
      • Set up port and vulnerability scans to configure tools and identify aberrations
      • Liaised with the security incident response team to analyze phishing scams and potential malware
      • Conducted security awareness programs channelizing through the marketing team
      • Deployed Nexpose and brainstormed with the security incident response team to for remediation plans
      • Decrypted abnormalities in the log files to analyze the impact of the security incident
      Summer Intern
      Stark Foundation Inc.
      Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
        A leading tech conglomerate in the US with 100+ global offices
        • Gained in-depth knowledge of cloud computing and web development
        Utica School of Engineering
        Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
        Start typing, then use the up and down arrows to select an option from the list
          A top public university in the United States with an academic staff of over 1000 employees
          • Top 15 percentile of the class
          • Python | EdX | Jun '13 - Aug '13
          • Cloud Computing | Eureka | Mar '15 - May '15
          • Languages: English, Spanish

          Every segment in a mobile application developer resume discloses something distinct and important to the recruiters to support your job application.

          Here at Hiration's Online Resume Builder, we make sure that every resume is built with nothing less than perfection.

          Key Takeaways

          Let's recap:

          • Your name is the best feature that can be used to label your mobile application developer resume for the recruiters to keep easy track of your mobile application developer resume.
          • No point writing a resume if you do not provide your contact details so always add the correct contact details in your web application developer resume.
          • Add suitable application developer keywords in resume to get it past the Application Tracking System.
          • Use one-liners to exhibit your work history and organize them under suitable buckets.
          • Always give a suitable mobile application developer resume summary to highlight your mention-worthy work experience and skills.

          Every application developer resume template and application developer resume example included in this blog is provided with the sole purpose to help you understand every segment of a resume.

          So make sure to refer to them while curating your mobile app resume!

          Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.