Best Operations Resume: The 2022 Guide With 10+ Examples & Samples

Wondering how to write the best operations resume?

Well, if you ask us we would simply say that it is same as creating every other resume.

All you need to do is highlight all the relevant points that reflects your professional expertise in the right format in your resume.

A good resume can be found easily but the best operations resume needs to be customized with the help of professional resume experts.

Take a look at the best operations resume for different profiles that we have highlighted below.

We have compiled the 10 best operations resume in this article with samples that will guide you on how to make a job-winning operations resume. And along with them the method of how to make these resumes are provided.

Every Operations resume examples provided in this blog has been created on our Online Resume Builder.

So, by the end of this guide, you will be able to:

  • Make an operations resume of your particular profile
  • Make the key skills section the right way
  • Identify where to make the key achievements section
  • Write and include your professional experience in the correct way

Senior Operations Manager - (Shipping)

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  • To make the above resume of an office manager, we've used the Royal Blue template. This template is useful for those people who have extensive work to incorporate in their resume.
  • This template saves a lot of space as it includes personal information section right beside the header and the title and doesn't require a separate space for the personal information section.
  • The ideal font size for writing the body of the resume should be 10-12 points whereas the font size for the header should be 14-16 points.

The font sizes for the resume header and body are pre-customized on our Online Resume Builder. So make sure to try out our Online Resume Builder to make your resume now!

Senior Mortgage Operations Manager

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  • We've used the Traditional Maroon template to make the above resume of a senior mortgage operations manager. We've started the resume by first writing the name and then comes the personal information section.
  • That's how a resume starts, with your name. Your name should be the first thing to be written in the resume. Also, remember not to name your resume as 'Resume'.
  • In the personal information section we've first written the mobile number and then the e-mail. Follow the same sequence of information when writing your personal information section.

Not sure if your resume is in compliant with industry norms?

Do not worry because Hiration's Resume Reviewing Service allows you to check if your resumes are in compliant with the respective industry norms.

Senior Operations Manager - (E-commerce)

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  • The Traditional Blue template is used to make the resume of senior operations manager. As you can see in the resume above, in the personal information section, we've written the location using the format {city name, country pin}.
  • So, when making your resume, instead of writing the full address, just write the city name and the country pin.
  • Also, please maintain standard formatting of all your locations: (city, state) if you are applying within the country and (state, country) if you are applying internationally throughout the resume just like we have maintained it in the example above.

At Hiration's Online Resume Builder, the location is pre-set in the format of the city name and country pin code. You just have to select them from a drop-down box.

Supply Chain and Procurement

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  • To make the above resume of sales manager & operations specialist, we've used the Signature Timeline template. While making a resume people often forget to put a job title. In the example above, 'Supply Chain And Procurement' is the profile title.
  • Always include a job title optimized according to the profiles which you are targeting. The reason for that is it makes it easy to gauge for which profile you're applying for or if you're coming from a completely different profile.
  • Hence, it is important to provide complete clarity concerning your job. You can further optimize your job title depending on the profiles which you are targeting, just like we have done in the resume above.

Hiration's Resume Reviewing Services allows you your resume's global compatibility.

Operations & Project Management Expert

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  • We've used the Material Color template to make the resume of operations and project management expert. Use a summary section instead of an objective section if you have over 3 years of experience.
  • Also, we like to misappropriate a JFK quote along the lines of “Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for the company.” Instead of highlighting a list of things that you expect from the organization, showcase your skills instead, and convince the recruiter how you plan on using those skills in the company.
  • See the operations and project management expert resume above to get better clarity on how we've written the summary section. We've first mentioned the profile of the person and then the number of years of experience that the person holds. Start your summary in the same manner. Then continue with cause-effect points.
  • Write what are your skills and how you can use them to benefit the company.

F&B Operations Head

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  • The Orange Twist template is used to make the above resume of an F&B Operations Head. Often people forget to include a key skills section in their resume. The key skills section comes just after the profile summary section. Including the key skills section is important because it helps you pass the ATS test.
  • The Applicant Tracking System works on a keyword matching algorithm wherein they match the keywords in your keywords to the keywords in the job description that you have applied for, thus helping you get through the first screening by the ATS. When making this section, only include hard kills and not soft skills.
  • Also, when making this section, put a bullet before each keyword. Make sure your keywords don't exceed the limit of three lines. Look at the above-given resume to see how to make a key skills section.

In addition to this, you can opt for Hiration's Resume Reviewing Services to check if your resume is recruiter friendly.

Top Level Logistics Leader

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  • To make the above resume of top-level logistics leader, we've used the 'New York' template. The recruiter might not have heard of the companies you have worked at. Include a one-line description of the same just below the company name. In this description, try to sell that organization to the reader.
  • You can mention some facts around the revenues, the total number of employees, number of customers, etc. - basically anything which tells the reader that you were working for a good company. Do that for all the companies where you've worked at. Separate a single line for it and begin your profile from a new paragraph.
  • Look at the resume above and see how we've written a short, one-line description for each company. Do the same in your resume as well. Write things that would instantly quantify the significance of the company in the mind of the recruiter.

Hiration's Online Resume Builder provides a small, single lined space, specially dedicated for writing the one-line descriptions of the companies you have worked for.

Operations Specialist & Sales/BD Manager

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  • The London template is used to write the resume of operations & sales/BD manager specialist. Formatting your resume to make it more coherent would require you to draw clear distinctions between your role and your contributions.
  • Align your profile/job title and company to the left, the location, and the time to the right, for all your professional experience sections. Dates to the right are the industry standard and recruiters usually look for them this way.
  • Look at the above-given resume to get a better idea of how to write the professional experience section.

Get your resume reviewed by resume experts of Hiration and check if the performance assessment of your resume is on point.

The higher your resume score, the better your chances for being shortlisted by the recruiters for the job profile that you are targeting for.

Process Delivery Lead

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  • The Amsterdam template is used to make the resume of process delivery lead. The dates written in the resume must be in the form of (mm/yy-mm/yy) throughout your resume. (mm/yy-mm/yy) the format is the correct format to be used in the resume while writing the dates. Also, start all your sentences in the resume with a power verb.
  • Power verbs have a better impact on the minds of the recruiters. Make sure that all the points in the resume begin with a power verb, and in the past tense (excluding points in your current profile). These power verbs communicate your message more strongly and confidently than when using other verbs.
  • Look at the above-given resume to get a better idea of the format of the dates. Look at how they are consistent throughout the resume. Also, observe how every sentence is started using a power verb. In addition to this, see how we have highlighted all the important words and phrases in the resume.
  • By highlighting the important words, numbers, and phrases you can make the recruiter directly read what you want them to read.

Hiration's Online Resume Builder also provides you with the option to include the timeline in your resume to showcase the history of your work in an accurate and clear manner.

Visit Hiration's Online Resume Builder today!

Operations Planning Expert

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  • To make the above resume of operations planning expert, we've used the Barcelona template. For resumes that have an extensive work history and are of a senior post like the one above, you should break your points into three parts: (a) Your Contribution (b) Effect/Impact and (c) Corresponding Achievements
  • To ensure that your resume reflects the most value, you should structure ALL your contribution points in that way. Additionally, make sure all your points don't exceed one line. If they do, either split them into multiple points or create sub-points.
  • To get a clear idea on how to write your points for a senior post look at the resume given above. All the points in the above resume show the three attributes mentioned above as well as they don't exceed the one-line limit.

Additionally, you can visit Hiration's Resume Reviewing Services to check its conversion scope.

Online Resume Builder for your Resume

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Here is a list of the resources that come with our Online Resume Builder:

  • 1-click design change
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • 100+ resume templates
  • A sharable link
  • Live resume editor

Key Takeaways

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  • Every job profile has its specific requirements and for operations related job you need to customize your accordingly.
  • Always use the right format to highlight your details and pieces of information in your senior operations resume.
  • Include only those details that are relevant and avoid unnecessary personal details in your operations resume.
  • Mention the accurate and suitable profile title in your resume so that the recruiters can analyze the level of your professional expertise and seniority level.
  • Make good use of suitable power verbs in your best director of operations resume to highlight roles wherein you have led, managed, supervised, developed, etc.
  • Include keywords that directly connects you to the targeted job profile as it can get your resume past the Applicant Tracking System.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.