How to write a Cover Letter for Government Jobs in 2023?

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A cover letter is a formal document that you send to the hiring manager alongside your resume while applying for a particular position in a company.

It's important to write good cover letters for government jobs, but before you start to write a cover letter, you must familiarize yourself with the purpose of a cover letter.

Do you need to write a cover letter for a job application but have no idea where to start? Don't worry; you have come to the right place. We have tried to cover all your doubts that you might have at one spot, and here we go, one step at a time.

John Mark
Office Assistant
Covering Letter
15th March 2021
Donna Gem
Hiring Manager
Click Global LLP
57, Brooks Lane, San Francisco, CA

Re: Office Assistant at Click Global LLP

Dear Ms. Gem,

As a value-driven office assistant professional possessing a B.S. in Sociology with a prolific track record in office administration and calendar management in compliance with quality standards, I am extremely interested in the profile of Office Assistant at Click Global LLP. I am certain that my qualifications and interests align with the skills you seek and I anticipate being a reliable contributing member of your team through this rewarding Job position.

My stint at the Rural Corporation Ltd. allowed me to work with a diversified team and meet the organization's goals within the stipulated time frame. I assisted in creating expense reports and compiling data sheets received from various departments, including operations and sales. I fostered business relationships with customers by resolving customer complaints via phone calls and emails to sustain & strengthen customer trust and loyalty. Additionally, I rendered support in booking travel tickets and scheduling meetings.

Owing to the values and passion for excellence that Click Global LLP has displayed to date is truly commendable. It's astounding how Click Global LLP adapts to the opportunities and changes in the business environment while maintaining a positive corporate culture. I am inspired by its collaborative culture that encourages social awareness, excellent customer service, and a healthy work environment, therefore I consider Click Global LLP to be my most valued employer.

Enclosed for your consideration is my resume. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my suitability and qualifications with you on call or in person.

John Mark

Enclosures: Resume

Here is a summary of few key tips to write a job winning cover letter for Government Jobs

What would you find in this guide?

  • Why is a cover letter necessary
  • The different types of cover letter
  • Rules for addressing your cover letter
  • Cover letter writing guidelines for government jobs

Why is a cover letter necessary

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When you are applying for a government job or any job, they are looking for highly skilled and professional people.

Your cover letter is an opportunity to demonstrate to the hiring manager how you fit the job you are applying for. It is your moment to set yourself apart from the competition.

Use this coveted space to demonstrate your skills, experience, knowledge, and performance that line up with the position and the company you are interested in.

In simple words, a cover letter can increase your chances for the job position if done the right way.Make sure you customize your cover letter for every company you apply to.

Types of cover letter

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There are four significant types of cover letters:

The Application cover letter

This letter is written to apply for a particular job opening. You send this cover letter to the recruitment professional or a hiring manager along with your resume.

The Referral cover letter

The referral cover letter mentions the name of the person who referred you to the job.

Hiration Pro Tip: Include the referral's name within the first few lines of the cover letter. This will quickly catch the employer's interest in you. It's a cherry on top for you if the recipient knows them.

The Prospecting cover letter

The prospecting cover letter inquires about the possible positions in the company you would like to work for. It is worth the effort, even if the company does not have any current open positions.

They add you to their talent community, so when the organisation has opportunities, you might learn about it first.

The Networking cover letter

This letter requests information and assistance in your job search. While searching for a government job, this cover letter gives you the scope to reconnect with your previous employers and colleagues, and other professionals you might have met at some point.


Rules for addressing your cover letter

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Now you know what type of cover letter you want to write, let's discuss the rules for addressing your cover letter.

Most of us struggle with who to address a cover letter. It seems like running into a roadblock.

Should I write Mr. or Ms.? Do I include only the first name or full name? And what if you have searched high and low but couldn't find the hiring manager's name?

Don't fret! These confusions are common, and today we would guide you through the greeting of the cover letter(i.e., the salutation).

The greeting of your cover letter might be the very first thing the hiring manager sees. Therefore it's imperative to do it right.

Use a formal name salutation

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Include the hiring manager's first and last name along with "Mr." or "Ms."

You could also start with "Hello" or just the name.

Make sure that you never use "To whom it may concern". It makes your cover letter look very generic, and it gives an impression that you have not done a proper research about the company.

Do not let that happen.


Can’t find the name of the hiring manager?

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Quite often finding the hiring manager can be stressful, and diligent research might have resulted in no fruits.

In that case, You can address the head of the department for the position you are applying for.

This approach is a way better than not using the name in your cover letter. It conveys that you put in the effort and the time to find a name.

Can’t find a single name to address?

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Sometimes, even after exhaustive research, you might not be able to find a single name to address your cover letter to. Don't worry. It's okay!

If that is the case, you don't need to stress out. The company is likely to keep its information secretive and is very well aware of this.

If you don't have any name to use, still try to be as specific as possible.

For example, If you are applying for a Data analyst profile, you can write it as- "Data Analyst Hiring Manager".

Cover letter writing guidelines for government jobs

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Once you have addressed your cover letter, you must tailor the cover letter's body to the government job you're applying to.

Here are the guidelines to write a cover letter for a government job:

  • Read the job description
  • Research about the company
  • Briefly mention the required information
  • Proofread multiple times


Read the Job description

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You must read the job posting carefully before you start to write the cover letter.

It is important to add your skills and experiences relevant to the job you are applying for.

An effective cover letter explains to them the reason for your interest in the organization and why you are the right fit for the job.

Research about the company

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Each company has a different work culture and goals to achieve, so it's important to do a thorough research about the company before you apply for the job.

Your research will help you highlight your skills and passion that resonates with the company's goals and help your profile stand out.

Briefly mention the required information

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You may have a general cover letter outline while you are applying for government jobs and then add specific details as per the job description.

Hiring teams spend only a few seconds on each cover letter, so make sure you keep it crisp and to the point.

Proofread multiple times

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Once you finish off writing a cover letter, Proofread as many times as you can. Look into the grammatical errors as they might be a significant setback for you.

Check multiple times if you have included all the relevant details that are necessary for the job position.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How long should a cover letter be?

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Worried about cover letter length?. Try to write your cover letter in 3-4 paragraphs that are straightforward and include only relevant details.

Choose a professional cover letter template to write your cover letter that consists of the following sections: Header, Introduction, Professional experience, and conclusion.

What do we include in the cover letter header and body?

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The header includes your contact information, the date you are writing on, and the company's name and its address you are applying to.

In the introduction section, you can address the hiring manager and specify the position you are applying for. The cover letter body apart from introduction, highlights your skills, experience, and qualifications that align with what the company is looking for in a candidate.

How to end a cover letter?

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Conclude your cover letter by expressing your interest in the position and thanking the hiring manager for their time.

Always close your cover letter with a call to action. You can confidently ask the hiring manager to dicuss the opportunity further in call or in person.


Is a cover letter necessary?

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Writing so many cover letters specific to the company can be exhausting, but once you prepare an outline and then change the information, that might make your work easy.

If you are wondering if you should include a cover letter necessary while applying for government jobs, the answer is yes, you must.

Key Takeaways

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Now that we have reached the end of this guide let's look at the key takeaways.

  • You must know what type of cover letter you are writing
  • Always use a professional cover letter template
  • Research thoroughly about the company you are applying to
  • Add skills and experiences relevant to the job position
  • Write your cover letter in 3-4 paragraphs
  • Don't make it too long. Keep it brief to the point
  • Don't forget to proofread your cover letter

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