Data Analyst Resume: Complete 2022 Guide with 10+ Examples & Samples

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You need a succinct ATS-compliant resume to win your dream data analyst job.

You have to make sure to effectively communicate your data analyst skills on your job application to have a chance at a shortlist.

Let us help you build both entry level data analyst resume or data analyst resumes for experienced professionals.

You will also find multiple data analyst sample resumes and data analyst resume examples in each section to give you a visual representation of what each section should look like after you are done building your resume.

Going forward, we will discuss about:

Data Analyst Job Description for Resume

While searching for keywords to add in your resume, job description is the best place to start from.

Carefully analyze the job description of the role you are targeting and pick the keywords that you can support with evidence. Add those keywords across your resume including summary, skills and professional experience section.

Following are some of the responsibilities that might come with the position of a data analyst:

  • Data mining and data cleansing
  • Translate numbers and facts to simplify information
  • Analyze sales figures, market research, logistics, etc.
  • Creating dashboards & datasets

Data Analyst Resume Points

Let's discusse some bullet points that you can in your data analyst resume. Check out these examples below:

  • Performed statistical analysis of the financial statements and other data to support the financial planning and reporting processes
  • Developed an Oracle Database to support the business requirements of a large-sized company
  • Developed database schema and created stored procedure to generate reports using SQL Server
  • Provided analysis and recommendations for the implementation of a data collection system for the Department of Defense
  • Assisted on the implementation of a Python application to manage the data warehouse and its users

Also read: How Many Bullet Points to Use in a Resume?

Data Analyst Salary

The salary of a data analyst as quoted by various reputed websites:

What is a Data Analyst Resume & why do you need it?

A tailored resume contains important information which your employer will require such as your contact information, employment history, educational background, etc.

A recruiter will make up their mind about your candidacy by reviewing this information. Hence, you should keep the preferences of your recruiter in mind while formulating your resume.

However, that is not all.

You have to appease the ATS first before you can even reach the recruiters.
Your data analyst resume will stand no chance of being shortlisted if it doesn't comply with the Applicant Tracking System.

We will help you write an ATS-compliant data analyst resume. Following sections comprises the guidelines to follow while making a data analyst resume

Also read: What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Resumes?

How to write your Data Analyst Resume

  • First Stage: Master Data Analyst Resume
  • Second Stage: First Draft of Data Analyst Resume
  • Third Stage: Final Draft of Data Analyst Resume

Master Data Analyst Resume

In the first stage of writing your resume, you have to draft the master data analyst resume. Here, you have to compile all your professional information in one place.

Doing this will increase the accessibility of your information as you will have a readily available storehouse of information ready to be used whenever you require it.

This helps in the twin objectives of writing your resume in the present timeline and updating it in the future. We have further explained how below:

  • Resume writing in the present: Since now you don't need to explicitly look for information, the only task you are left with is to pick and use the relevant information and customize your resume according to your target profile.

  • Resume update in the future: When the need will arise, maybe when you are switching jobs, a master resume will come in extremely handy. It will eliminate the need to rely on memory alone for pieces of information. So, rather than having to search your memory for scattered pieces of information, you can update your resume effortlessly with the information you already have at hand.

First Draft of Data Analyst Resume

The second stage of resume writing demands that you draft the following sections:

  • Header
  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Education
  • Certification (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

The optional sections can be omitted and are need-based. So, if you have space and feel like they can bring value to your resume, then only add them.

Final Draft of Data Analyst Resume

Compose the key skills and summary/objective sections in the final stage of resume writing.

These sections conclude your resume and provide an overview; thus should be composed at the very end.

Highlight your core skills and mention the data analyst resume keywords from the job description of the job you are targeting in the key skills section. Do not however write any skills that your work experience does not justify.

If you have less than 3 years of work experience, write a data analyst resume objective for your entry level data analyst resume, otherwise, stick with the data analyst resume summary.

Data Analyst Resume Sections

To make sure that your data analytics resume is ATS-compliant, organize it into the following neat little standard sections:

  • Header
  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Key Skills
  • Professional Experience
  • Education
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Data Analyst Resume: Professional Experience

The professional experience section is the most important section of your data analyst resume. It consists of important career-specific information about you such as:

  • Your profile title.
  • All the organizations you have worked for in the past.
  • The number of years of experience you hold.
  • The skills you have picked up during your career and how you have used them to benefit your organization.

This information is what the recruiter uses to decide whether or not to shortlist for an interview. So, we don’t need to stress how important it is that you perfectly compose this section.

Here is all you need to do:

  • Frame one-liner points
  • Use the STAR format
  • Use Grouping & Highlighting

Framing Points

The bare minimum criteria that every resume should fulfill is that it should be easy to navigate and read. If you are using paragraphs to write your resume, you are unknowingly sabotaging your job application.

Instead of paragraphs, compose one-liner bullet points while composing your data analyst resume:

Given below are two data analyst resume examples to help you visualize this factor:

Example 1:

“I formulated analytical reports to enable strategic planning by management to increase productivity by 40%. I also identified and contrived strategies across multiple business units, distribution channels & product lines which increased the quarterly output by 30%. Additionally, I managed & organized 100+ data sets effectively via advanced querying, visualization, and analytics tools. Moreover, I was also responsible for stationing data analysis & creating dashboards to boost flagship business initiatives across Media Relations, HR and Legal by 70%.”

Example 2:

* Formulated analytical reports to enable strategic planning by management to increase productivity by 40% * Identified and contrived strategies across multiple business units, distribution channels & product lines which increased the quarterly output by 30% * Managed & organized 100+ data sets effectively via advanced querying, visualization, and analytics tools * Stationed data analysis & created dashboards to boost flagship business initiatives across Media Relations, HR and Legal by 70%

Framing Points Analysis

The front desk resume examples that we previously mentioned present us with these conclusions:

  • 90 % of the recruiters will not read the first example all the way through because of its bulkiness.
  • On the other hand, the second example has more chances of being read as it uses white space to its advantage by using one-liner bullet points to communicate the same information.
  • Example 2 also uses power verbs to begin each point which gives your resume a tone of assertiveness.

STAR Format

Now that we have established the importance of framing one-liner bullet points, we will impart the knowledge as to how to formulate these points to make them the most effective.

STAR stands for:
S: Situation - The situation that led to your contributions.
T: Task - A task that was assigned to you.
A: Action - What action you took to fulfill the assigned task.
R: Result - What were the results of this action in the form of an achievement figure.

It establishes a cause-effect relationship between your actions and their results in each point making them more tangible for the recruiter.

Grouping & Highlighting

Now that you know how to make data analyst resumes that are easy to read and comprehend, let’s make them more impactful.

Grouping & Highlighting will increase the effectiveness of your roles & responsibilities by enhancing the visibility of the most important aspects of your resume.

Here are two data analyst resume examples to illustrate this point:

Example 1:

  • Formulated analytical reports to enable strategic planning by management to increase productivity by 40%
  • Identified and contrived strategies across multiple business units, distribution channels & product lines which increased the quarterly output by 30%
  • Managed & organized 100+ data sets effectively via advanced querying, visualization, and analytics tools
  • Stationed data analysis & created dashboards to boost flagship business initiatives across Media Relations, HR and Legal by 70%

Example 2:

Strategy Formulation

  • Formulated analytical reports to enable strategic planning by management to increase productivity by 40%
  • Identified and contrived strategies across multiple business units, distribution channels & product lines which increased the quarterly output by 30%

Data Processing

  • Managed & organized 100+ data sets effectively via advanced querying, visualization, and analytics tools
  • Stationed data analysis & created dashboards to boost flagship business initiatives across Media Relations, HR and Legal by 70%

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

The data analyst resumes examples above present us with the following conclusions:

  • The use of bullet points alone in example 1 although makes your resume more readable, does nothing to increase the impact of the resume. On the other hand, example 2 uses grouping & highlighting to organize these bullets.
  • In example 2 the similar points are grouped under unique subheadings & the key points are marked in bold to highlight them.
  • Example 2 helps the recruiter in spotting a candidate's career highlights and key responsibilities.

Data Analyst Skills

Make a separate 'Key Skills' section to demonstrate your core skills.

Make sure that your skills are brief and crisp. Do not use phrases while writing your data analyst skills.

Key Skills Technical Skills
Data Analysis SQL
Predictive Modelling SAS
Data Visualization Hadoop
Data Mining Python
Big Data Queries Spark

Take a look at our data analyst resume samples attached with this guide. Below is a sample which will help you to to have a visual understanding of what your key skills section should look like:

Also read: What Skills to Put on a Resume?.

Data Analyst Resume Summary

A data analyst with more than 3 years of work experience needs a resume summary on their resume. It is a brief statement that gives the recruiter an overview of your career history.

Here’s a list of tips you can follow to draft the perfect data analyst resume summary:

  • Write it at the very end as doing so saves your time and eliminates the chance of having to revisit it at the end to make edits.
  • Draft it by picking the highlights of your career from the professional experience section of your data analyst resume.
  • Limit the summary statement to a maximum of 5 lines.

Attached below is a data analyst resume sample showcasing an ideal summary section:

Also read: How to Write a Resume Summary?

Data Analyst Resume Objective

An objective section is essentially the same as the summary section. Write it on an entry level data analyst resume. Professionals with less than 3 years of work experience need this section.

Take this opportunity to demonstrate to the recruiter that despite the lack of work experience or very limited work experience, you have the skills to be the perfect data analyst.

Also read: How to Write a Resume Objective?

Data Analyst Resume: Header

At the very top of your resume features your name aka the resume header.

Adhere to the following guidelines to make a top-notch resume header:

  • Never use 'CV' or 'Resume' as the header.
  • Use the largest font size of 16-20 points to write your resume header.
  • Any middle names should be initialized. For example, someone named ‘Allister Neville Moody’ should write their resume header as ‘Allister N. Moody’.

Our data analyst resume examples will help you in building an effective resume. Find below one such example of curating the perfect resume header:

Data Analyst Resume: Personal Information

Check out your country’s guidelines to mentioning personal information on resumes.

As there are many countries where it is forbidden by law to mention your religion, political beliefs, or even ethnicity on your resume. This is because any of these factors can lead to biased hiring.

So, we suggest keeping the personal information section simple. Just mention the necessary contact information that the recruiter will need to get in touch with you.

The information you need to present here is:

  • Your functional mobile number
  • Your professional email ID
  • Your current location of residence

Updated Mobile Number

Here are some of the guidelines to be mindful of while writing your updated mobile number in your data analysis resume:

  • List only one number that is active to avoid any confusion or mix-up. Mention the number you use actively.
  • Avoid typing mistakes and glance over it once you are done writing it to make sure that there are no mistakes from your end.
  • Use your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number.
  • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code.
  • Eg: +1 37648 21511.

Professional Email Address

The email ID you use to communicate with your recruiters should be composed professionally.

If you are still using a childish ID that you composed in your high school days, we would advise you to formulate a new email ID using a professional data analyst resume format like, or

Current Location of Residence

These are some key things to keep in mind while mentioning your location details in your data analysis resume:

  • Use the city and state name to write your location details if you are looking for a job in the same country as your country of residence.
  • If you're targeting jobs in a foreign country, write your city and country of residence.
  • Do not put irrelevant location details such as your house number, street number, and your locality name or other misdirecting information like the address of your past residence or office address.

GitHub Link

  • Add links to your GitHub or LinkedIn account to establish your professional identity
  • Links to personal websites or portfolios work well in your favor too

Here's a sample data analyst resume illustrating the perfect personal information section for your resume:

Data Analyst Resume: Profile Title

Your profile title communicates your current designation, your functional industry, and your level of seniority to your recruiters.

These are important information as based on this, the recruiter will decide whether or not you are eligible for the position and if you are what would be the pay you deserve.

As this factor is used to decide the remuneration, some applicants may forge their profile titles to garner a higher pay. We do not recommend doing this as it will easily come out during an interview.

Write it in the second-largest text size by using a font size between 14 and 16 points to compose this section.

Let our data analyst resume examples guide you. Given below is a sample data analyst resume illustrating the perfect profile title:

Data Analyst Resume: Education

List the following education-related information in this section:

  • Name of your school/university.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Date of enrolment and graduation from each course (in month and year format).

Here's a sample data analyst resume showcasing the ideal education section for your resume:

Also read: How to List Education on Your Resume?

Data Analyst Resume: Certifications

If you went out of your way to get certified, do not shy away from mentioning them in your data analyst resume.

Make a distinct 'Certifications' section and write these details in this section:

  • Name of the certification you have pursued.
  • Name of the certificate issuing body.
  • Location of the certifying body.
  • Enrollment and completion date in the month and year format.

These details should be arranged in this data analyst resume format:

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (in month & year format)

Our data analyst resume samples can help! Below is one such sample showcasing an ideal certifications section:

Data Analyst Resume: Additional Information

If space allows and you have relevant information like knowledge of multiple languages and relevant hobbies, make a separate 'Additional Information' section to mention them.

The data analyst resume samples that we have attached with this guide will help you in drafting your own resume. The sample below demonstrates an impeccable additional information section:

Data Analyst Resume Sample

Before we begin imparting all the secrets to writing a perfect resume, here’s a glimpse of what the end product should look like when you are done:

4+ years experienced Data Analytics Professional & R Specialist possessing a prolific track record of driving user growth, boosting user retention & enhancing market share by deploying Big Data Ecosystem components, techniques & best practices. Adept at performing deep dive for gaining actionable insights to benefit key stakeholders & facilitate sound decision-making. Proficient in data mining & data visualization to deliver compelling business value to clients & successfully execute projects.
• Data Analysis • Decision Analytics • Data Science • Big Data Analytics • Predictive Modeling • Data-Driven Personalization
• KPI Dashboards • BPI Plans • Big Data Queries & Interpretation • Data Mining • Data Visualization
• Machine Learning Algorithms • Business Intelligence (BI) • Research, Reports & Forecasts
• Project Monitoring & Management • Coordination & Liaison • Client Relationship Management • Strategic Planning
Tools/Languages: Spark, SparkR, R, Python, Scala, Hive, SQL, SAS, Tableau, SPSS, Hadoop, Stata, Google Analytics
Cloud: Amazon AWS, Cloudstack, Openstack
Virtualization Tools: VMware, Xenserver, Microsoft Hyper-V, ggplot, TableauScripting
Database: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Web/Application Servers: Tomcat, IIS Server
Reporting: COGNOS, Crystal Reports, SSRS
    Strategy Formulation & Management Support
    • Rendered insights & generated analytical reports with recommendations to enable strategic planning by management
    • Contributed in formulating strategies across multiple business units, distribution channels & product lines
    • Delivered support to the editorial staff by creating award-winning pictograms, maps, illustrating key facts & trends, etc.
    • Analyzed, evaluated and formulated enhancement strategies to boost KPIs across all business units
    Customer Servicing & Reporting
    • Created algorithms based on deep-dive statistical analysis & predictive data modelling to personalize customer interactions
    • Boosted subscribers via data manipulation and analysis to analyse customer habits & create user-friendly reports
    • Deployed quantitative analysis & data mining/visualization to present data for interpreting user-interaction with the product
    • Identified and analysed the impact of marketing and product changes on customer behavior, acquisition and retention
    Data Processing & Management
    • Organized huge data sets effectively via advanced querying, visualization and analytics tools
    • Stationed data analysis & created dashboards to boost flagship business initiatives across Media Relations, HR and Legal
    • Processed structured, semi-structured and unstructured data sets to assess key takeaways
    Key Achievements
    • Played a key role in generating USD 8 million in ad revenue by preparing data sets & creating dashboards to boost sales
    • Conferred with the Superstar Award '17 out of 500+ Analysts for rendering outstanding data processing services for all stakeholders
    • Published a paper on 'Data Visualization Best Practices' to standardize training for new recruits
      Data Visualization & Application Development
      • Appointed in-charge to lead data mining & analysis, develop actionable data & create high-impact visual applications
      • Led the complete lifecycle of visual analytical applications, from creating mock ups/storyboards to finishing the application
      • Coordinated with data miners & analysts to deploy SQL & Ruby for extracting and loading data from multiple data sources
      Performance Enhancement & Business Transformation
      • Directed the design, execution & monitoring of key metrics, reports, dashboards, etc., to drive business transformation
      • Enhanced & optimized query performance by deploying profiling tools and SQL
      • Designed database cubes successfully and designed star schemes using ER/Studio and Visio
      • Utilized Hypothesis-driven approach to analyse A/B testing & offer recommendations based on the test performance
        Enter text here..

        • Data Analytics with R | Data Governance Institute, NYC | '19
        • Languages: English, French and German
        • Voluntarily contributed to 'DEPA' charity for 2 years & organized 'DROPS' event for distributing blankets to the poor

        Key Takeaways

        • Write the dates in the month & year format across all the sections of your data analyst resume.
        • Write your city and state name to write the location of your residence in your data analyst resume. Or if you are submitting your job application in a foreign country, write your city and country name.
        • Label your data analyst resume by writing your full name.
        • Make a distinct 'key skills' section to endorse your data analyst skills to make your resume ATS-friendly.
        • Don't stuff the personal information section of your data analyst resume with unnecessary information.
        • Use one-liner bullet points instead of paragraphs to draft the professional experience section of your resume for data analyst.
        • Quantify your achievements by adding performance figures.
        • Write a data analyst resume summary only if you have a minimum work experience of 3 years. If you don't, write a data analyst resume objective instead.

        Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.