How to Quit a Job Professionally in 5 Simple Steps?

Wondering how to quit a job that makes you feel stuck?

According to reports, the Great Resignation has witnessed one in four people resigning from their jobs. Employee retention has been a challenge for companies as many people constantly wonder how to quit a job.

Quitting a job can be an anxious process if you are clueless about the next steps or when to drop the resignation exactly. You should know how to quit a job gracefully if you have a job that makes you feel burnt out, doesn’t help you grow, or doesn’t allow you a work-life balance.

Read on to know how to professionally quit a job, when you should consider quitting the job, and the steps to follow while leaving a job, along with related FAQs.

Top Reasons for Quitting a Job

While there can be times when you wouldn’t want to continue with your current job due to work pressure or conflict with your colleagues, knowing when to quit a job becomes extremely important.

Given below are some reasons that can help you decide if it is time for you to quit a job:

  • If you have been in the same spot for years, are not receiving any promotion or raise, and find little scope to grow.
  • If your employer doesn’t promote your career goals by allowing you opportunities to learn.
  • If you feel uninspired and demotivated to give your best at the workplace.
  • If your company is struggling to make ends meet.
  • If your current job is compromising your mental or physical health.
  • If you feel that the work environment is toxic and your coworkers mostly spend time gossiping than being productive.

Also Read: How to recognize if the workplace is toxic before quitting a job?

Hiration pro tip:
If you have made up your mind on quitting a job, you should first find a new job offer that can assure you financial freedom and then drop the resignation to your employer.

How to Quit a Job: The Key Steps

Once you have clarity on why and when to quit a job, consider the following steps to sail through the process easily:

1. Check Employee Agreement

Can I quit job without notice?

If you have often thought about this question, you should read the employee agreement letter handed to you when the company hired you.

Checking the employee agreement can help you know how long you need to serve notice and if there are any legal issues, you need to be aware of when quitting a job.

Generally, every company requires at least a two weeks notice to be served so that they can find your substitute in that time frame and you can perform your transitional duties.

Your employee agreement might also include details on corporate property, prohibitions against soliciting clients, and other crucial details you should be aware of before leaving a job.

2. Talk to the HR Department

Before you resign from a job, consider speaking to your boss or the HR manager. It is essential to do so as every company follows a process and it is best that you do not drop the bomb without informing.

You should politely inform the manager about the reason why you want to quit a job, the notice you are willing to serve, and how you will transition the workload.

3. Write Letter of Resignation

The next step in how to quit a job is to write a letter of resignation once you have informed your boss. Your resignation letter should be short, crisp, and to the point.

Once you have written the content of the resignation letter, proofread it and then hand it over to your boss via email or hard copy - whatever suits your work environment.

Also Read: How to write a professional sounding letter of resignation?

4. Perform Transitional Duties

It is a crucial step in how to quit a job as the company you are leaving will look for a substitute, and it will be your responsibility to train them about the work you do.

You will also be required to organize all the files related to work and share them with the team. Once you have performed your transitional duties, you can return the company property that needs to be returned and gather your personal belongings.

5. Show Gratitude

On the last working day, it is a good idea to personally thank co-workers by sending a thank you note for their support and motivation.

Whatever skills you have learned has helped you land a new job or given you the confidence to start a new business. Showing gratitude to the team will go a long way in creating a network that can be fruitful for your career.

Also Read: How to network for a job in 2022 to grow your career?

How to Quit a Job Over Phone?

Avoid quitting a job over the phone. However, In the worst-case scenario, where you have no choice, try to be polite and professional. Talk about the things you enjoyed about your job and then explain why you want to quit a job.

If money is the primary cause for you to quit a job, you should instead talk to your employer seeking a raise. Most times, you might be given a counteroffer, especially if you have been long associated with the company. Be ready with what you would say to that.

Hiration pro tip:
Never quit a job over the phone as it would look unprofessional. Unless you work remotely, try to always quit in person.

How to Quit a Job Over Email?

Writing a letter or email is the best way to quit a job as it is professional and much easy to do. You should direct the email to the concerned person instead of your colleagues.

Use a clear subject line and after the salutation, thank the boss for allowing you to serve the organization.

In the next paragraph, state the reason for quitting a job, but remember to never vent in the resignation email, no matter how challenging working in the company was for you. You should know how to leave a job on good terms to stay in the company's good books.

Mention the date which would mark your last working day and explain how you intend to carry on transitional duties. Keep your resignation email positive and brief to serve its purpose professionally.

Also Read: When is it time to leave a job without feeling guilty?

How to Quit a Job in a Negative Situation?

Most people think of how to quit a job when they are stuck in an undesirable or negative situation. In such a case, it becomes difficult to maintain your composure and not send a mail venting your heart out.

What not to say when you quit your job?

No matter how bad the situation, you must maintain your professional demeanor. You cannot blame your teammates or colleagues who made it difficult for you to work in the organization.

Keep in mind to write the letter of resignation without speaking ill about the company.

In cases where the company has violated you in any manner, seek a lawyer, know your rights and plan the next moves as suggested. How to quit a job professionally becomes extremely important when the situation is stressful.

How to Quit a Job in a Positive Situation

Quitting in a positive situation would mean that you have found a better opportunity or are voluntarily looking for a change.

In such a situation, focus on performing your transitional duties and helping your co-workers sail through the tasks surrounding your contribution.

Keep in mind that quitting a job in a positive situation can be a good opportunity to maintain a healthy relationship with both former and new employer. Make the best of it by getting a positive reference from the situation.

Tips on How to Quit a Job

Given below are some tips that can help you navigate through how to quit a job comfortably:

  • Whether you are looking for how to quit a job over text or phone, always send a resignation email once you have informed the authorities via text or phone.
  • Avoid being negative about the job; instead, focus on the positives while informing your boss about leaving a job.
  • Ask for a letter of recommendation before the company forgets about your existence. If obtaining it in hard copy could be a long process, take the LinkedIn recommendation.
  • Practice exit interview questions and answer each of them professionally without being sour about the company.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of the job you plan to switch to by considering the pay, work structure, flexibility, and career scope.
  • Find out if you are entitled to receive any bonuses or employee benefits before leaving.

Also Read: What are employee benefits that you are entitled to in 2022?

Key Takeaways

  • Quitting a job can have many reasons, like being stuck in the same spot for years with no scope of growth or the workplace culture being too toxic.
  • You should follow five significant steps on how to quit a job, which include checking the employee agreement, talking to the HR department, writing the resignation letter, performing transitional duties, and showing gratitude.
  • How to quit a job over text or phone involves informing the manager about leaving and the reason for it. Back up your text with a formal email to make the process look professional.
  • How to quit a job over email involves appreciating the organization for allowing you to work for them and then describing why you want to quit a job.
  • No matter how difficult your job has become, never lose your composure by blaming teammates or the company work culture in a resignation letter.
  • If you have already found a new job, weigh the pros and cons of the job and then make your final call about quitting the current job.

Visit Hiration's Career Activator Platform with 24x7 chat support if you're looking for ideas on how to quit your job and chart your journey from there.