How To Answer "What Does Integrity Mean" Interview Question in 2023?

What does it mean to have integrity?

You may have all the technical skills and experiences required for the job, but if the recruiters feel that you lack integrity, your chances of getting hired might go down the drain.

Integrity, honesty, accountability, and ethical principles dictate how a person works.

Therefore, recruiters value integrity in candidates, especially for managerial roles and other senior-level positions.

How do you work when no one is looking? Are you reliable?

This is what recruiters want to assess when they ask candidates “what does integrity mean to you?” during interviews.

Read on to learn more about the interview question “what does integrity mean to you?” and other related FAQs like the following:

Integrity Definition

In general, we can define integrity as a character trait of a person who determines their level of honesty and moral principles.

The same trait in a workplace translates into good decision-making, dependability, and loyalty, which are all valuable characteristics of an ideal professional.

Having integrity helps nurture an ethical approach to leadership, and decision-making, and supports a positive and transparent work environment.

Plus, if you showcase integrity in the workplace, you are likely to gain more respect and trust from the senior management, peers, and managers, which can play a vital role in your progression, career growth, and overall success.

Thus, integrity is not only important for the success of businesses, but also for individual career growth.

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Variations of “What Does Integrity Mean” Interview Questions

Given the importance of integrity in the workplace, most recruiters ask questions related to integrity during interviews.

While some recruiters will ask directly "what does integrity mean to you", others can ask more indirect interview questions to assess your integrity.

Given below are some of the common variations of "what does integrity mean to you" interview question:

  • Have you ever had consequences for doing the right thing?
  • What do you do when you need to admit your mistakes?
  • Have you made a mistake at the workplace? How did you handle the situation?
  • Tell me about a time when a work situation tested your integrity.
  • Would your colleagues and supervisors describe you as a trustworthy person?
  • How would you define integrity in the workplace?

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Why Do Employers Ask “What Does Integrity Mean To You” Interview Question?

To frame a good answer to "what does integrity mean to you" interview question, you must understand the recruiters’ reasons for asking you this question.

By asking you to define integrity as a general question or as part of the job requirements, here’s what they want to know about you:

  • Your work ethic:

How you define integrity can provide recruiters insight into your working style and how you approach tasks. While integrity might just be icing on the cake for some job roles, it is critical for positions where you’ll need to handle sensitive data and financial information.

  • To see if you are a cultural fit for the company:

Your definition of integrity tells the recruiters about your personal morals and values, and whether or not they align with the company’s or brand’s mission statement and values. Being a cultural fit ensures employee productivity, loyalty, and a higher level of job satisfaction.

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How to Answer “What Does Integrity Mean To You” Interview Question?

Given below are some useful tips that will help you frame an impressive answer to “what does integrity mean to you” interview question:

Research the Company

As stated earlier, one of the reasons why interviewers ask “what does integrity mean to you” during interviews is to probe if your values align with the company.

Therefore, you need to research the company and read up about the company’s or brand’s mission statement, values, and work culture.

When you have clarity on the same, you can frame your answer accordingly and maybe even incorporate similar language and words to describe your definition of integrity as the ones used by the company on their official website and other social media pages.

If the company’s view on integrity resonates with you, you can even state the same reason for wanting to work for the company in the first place.

Assess the Job Description

The job description provided in the listing can give you useful insights into the top requirements of the role and by analyzing how you will execute these responsibilities with integrity, you can frame a compelling answer to “what does integrity mean to you.”

For instance, if the job description entails adhering to tight deadlines and upholding accountability when working in teams, your answer can include examples of how your definition of integrity means being responsible for your actions and putting in the work.

Provide Examples

To make your interview answer all the more compelling, provide examples from your work experiences while defining integrity.

Think of instances where you’ve demonstrated integrity at your previous workplace and incorporate them into your answers.

Recruiters are more likely to buy your definition of integrity if you provide past examples of how you’ve exemplified integrity with your actions and not just words.

When describing these examples, you can use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) format to frame a crisp and concise answer.

Also Read: How to use the STAR format to answer job interview questions?

Demonstrate Integrity With Your Answer

One of the many traits integrity represents is honesty. And the best way to show the recruiters your integrity is by demonstrating it through your interview answers.

Be honest about your shortcomings and weaknesses and describe how you’re constantly working on yourself to overcome them.

Interviewers know that nobody is perfect and if you try to exaggerate your interview answers and showcase only your perfect qualities, they might think you’re being dishonest and hence question your integrity.

Practice Your Interview Answer

Once you’ve done your research and identified the talking points for answering “what does integrity mean to you” question, practice delivering your answer out loud.

This will help you get comfortable with the flow of your answer, gain confidence, and even get feedback from friends and family.

However, practicing your answer doesn’t mean that you must mug up a scripted answer.

Instead, all you need to do is outline your talking points, identify the examples you’re going to incorporate into your answer, and use different words or sentences each time.

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Key Points

  • Integrity can be defined as a character trait of a person that determines their level of honesty and moral principles.
  • Having integrity helps nurture an ethical approach to leadership, and decision-making, and supports a positive and transparent work environment.
  • Some of the common variations of "what does integrity mean to you" interview question includes - “Have you made a mistake at the workplace? How did you handle the situation?”, “Tell me about a time when a work situation tested your integrity.”, etc.
  • Employers ask “what does integrity mean to you” during interviews to assess your work ethics and to see if you are a cultural fit.
  • To frame a compelling answer to “what does integrity mean to you” interview question, research the company, assess the job description, provide examples, and practice your answer.

If you require expert guidance to help you frame a stellar response to “what does integrity mean to you” and other interview questions, visit Hiration’s Career Activator Platform which offers 24x7 chat support.