a Case study on rasmussen using hiration’s resume builder

How Hiration's AI Resume builder helped Rasmussen University's students prepare for job search success


Students on Hiration


REsumes Built

In the first nine months after launching, Hiration has helped students and alums create over 3,000 resumes. I think for students, this is going to improve their confidence... We’re also anticipating that success rates will be higher with a well-developed resume.

Stephanie Daniels

Senior Career Services Advisor
Rasmussen University, US


A great resume is your first chance to connect with an employer. Rasmussen University is helping students and alums create better resumes faster with direct access to AI-powered, resume-building software, Hiration.

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence

With artificial intelligence being used more commonly to filter job applications, it can be tough to get your resume in front of a real person.

“It's even more crucial now to have your resume set up and specifically aligned so that you can get through that application tracking system to get to a person,” says Stephanie Daniels, senior career services advisor at Rasmussen University.

Hiration combats this issue by also using AI to help users measure their resumes against industry trends, best practices and even specific job postings. By suggesting the right keywords, structure and phrasing, Hiration increases the chances of your resume making it beyond the filters.

Custom Samples Give a Head Start

But even before perfecting your resume, you need somewhere to start. Daniels and the career services team at Rasmussen University uploaded over 80 custom resume samples to Hiration, tailoring them to align with each program at the University.

“For nursing, for example,” says Daniels, “we pulled several nursing job descriptions that we put into the system and set up so that nursing students are building their resumes according to current trends, keywords, structure and what employers are looking for.”

Drawing from a range of current job postings in multiple industries, each resume sample outlines important sections to highlight in an easy-to-read format. Students can simply choose their program-specific sample on the Hiration platform to get started.

After using a sample to build their own unique resume, users can take advantage of Hiration’s “AI Resume Review.” The software will instantly provide feedback. From formatting tips and suggested keywords to sentence structure and section titles, Hiration will suggest ways to improve. As they make changes, users can see their real-time resume “score” update to better understand how each change impacts their overall progress.

If they would like even more guidance, users can submit the exact job posting that they're applying for. Hiration will scan it for key information, then suggest personalized updates.

According to Daniels, this is a key feature. “Nowadays, aligning your resume to a job is so crucial to the success of a job seeker,” she says.

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More Built-In Tools for Job Seekers

In addition to resume building, Hiration offers other features to help in the application process.

Real-time LinkedIn® Review: Similar to resume review, users can submit their LinkedIn profile and receive tailored suggestions for improvement. According to Hiration, for many job seekers these recommendations can increase visibility on LinkedIn.

Interview Preparation: Daniels and her team input hundreds of potential interview questions related to each area of study at Rasmussen University. Students and alums can review the questions and see sample answers on the Hiration platform. Daniels says that instructors and graduates of Rasmussen often contribute to the question banks based on what they're seeing in the field, keeping the list current and topical.

Portfolios and Cover Letters: Hiration also offers portfolio and cover letter tools to ensure users are prepared to present their accomplishments to employers. Instant AI-powered feedback is embedded in these features, helping job seekers highlight their strengths in the most effective way.

New Software, Same Support Team.

While this software helps students and alums become more efficient in their job searches, there’s still something to be said for the personal touch—so the career services team at Rasmussen University continues to offer 1:1 support. Users can still submit their resumes to get feedback from a real person. Job seekers can set up mock interviews to practice with someone or simply talk through their career goals and questions. Daniels and her team continue to help students and alums find and apply for jobs across the nation.

When looking at combined help from the in-person and AI-supported initiatives, Daniels has found that one of the biggest benefits of Hiration is the boost in confidence it brings.

“I think having that general direction with their resume is going to have a kind of ripple effect [for students]. Whether that's the application or maybe they're going into an interview, that confidence helps them take the next step,” she says.

In the first nine months after launching, Hiration has helped students and alums create over 3,000 resumes. The career services team hopes to continue raising awareness about this tool, reminding alums that they can use Hiration even after graduation.

“They are always welcome to come back,” Daniels says. In fact, she says she’s already heard positive feedback from alumni who’ve used hiration to create their resumes.

Innovating the Job Search

“I think for students, this is going to improve their confidence... We’re also anticipating that success rates will be higher with a well-developed resume,” Daniels says. “Rasmussen is so good about staying on top of trends and making sure that we're up to date.”

If you are a student or alum of Rasmussen University, you can check out all the benefits of Hiration. If you have other career questions or just want to connect with someone directly, you can contact a career services advisor.

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