The ChatGPT-powered Mock Interview Tool to Help Your Students Ace Any Job Interview

How does the Interview Prep tool help your Students ?

Comprehensive video lessons with quizzes for students to learn all the basics of interview preparation
A practice tab that mimics real-life interviews with unlimited chances to record and prepare interview answers
An option for students to get their performance reviewed by AI, counselors, self (students), and peers.
An AI-reviewer that assesses students' answers and provides actionable suggestions

ChatGPT- powered comprehensive Answer Evaluation

Instant answer accuracy evaluation
Specific insights on what went well, where to improve & how to impress the interviewer
Restructured answers maximizing potential for success
Unlimited answer evaluations available 24/7

Communication Skills and Body Language (AI)

  • Speech Rate and Pitch Analysis
    Speech rate and pitch analysis helps keep students within the most natural and engaging range
  • Filler Words Count
    Our AI sifts through the students' answers for filler words to help convey a strong, positive, and confident tone.
  • Eye Contact Analysis
    Our AI tracks the students' iris and provides feedback on strong and natural eye contact.
  • Body Posture Analysis
    Helps students maintain a good body posture by indicating if their head & shoulders are tilting or slouching.
Give your students the knowledge, experience, and confidence they need to ace every Interview

How does the Interview Prep support Counsellors and Teachers ?

Assign Cohorts & Reviewers
Create cohorts and assign interviews to specific students & reviewers and offer feedback on assigned Interviews with our customizable scoring metrics - with or without a due date.
Pre-curated practice interviews
Modify the learning experience for students in need of extra support by creating pre-curated practice interviews
Customizable parameters
As an admin, you will have complete control over assignments, evaluation & tracking of interviews for different set of students
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Frequently asked questions

What is Hiration?
Hiration is a marketplace of elite software developers, wherein we help potential candidates get hired by the fastest-growing companies across the globe.
What is different about Hiration?
Unlike other job providers in the market, we do all the hard work for you. With Hiration, you don’t need to spend hours trying to find software jobs and apply to each company. We are here to do all that. You just need to upload your resume and relax.
Do I need to pay any subscription fee for Hiration’s services?
No, our services are absolutely free for Software Developers. You just need to sign in and create a profile.
What if I don’t have a resume ready?
We’ve got you covered on that front as well. Our AI-powered resume builder will help you make a top-notch resume from scratch.