Top Auditor Interview Questions with Example Answers [2022]

Prepare for your Auditor interview by going through these most asked Auditor interview questions. Additionally, get access to sample answers and interviewer's expectations.

Interview Practice

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  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.
  • Question Overview: Auditors have to make tough calls sometimes, and they have to be able to stand by their decisions. This question will help you learn about a potential hire's ability to make tough choices and stick with them.

    Sample Answer: I had to fire an employee who was not performing up to par. I explained my decision to him and his coworkers, and I made sure they understood why I had to let him go.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Examples of unpopular decisions the candidate made
    • - How the candidate handled the situation
    • - How the candidate explained the decision to others

  • Question: What do you know about the company?
  • Question Overview: You want to hire an auditor who will be able to work well with your team and understand the company's goals. The answers to this question will help you learn about a potential hire's knowledge of the industry and your company specifically.

    Sample Answer: I know that you're a mid-sized manufacturing company that has been in business for over 20 years. I'm familiar with your products and your main competitors. I'd like to learn more about your goals for the next few years.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed knowledge of the company
    • - Ability to explain how the company works
    • - A desire to learn more about the company

  • Question: What motivates you to work?
  • Question Overview: You want to hire an auditor who is driven to succeed, but you also want to make sure they're motivated by the right things. Answers to this question will help you learn more about the candidate's personality and what drives them.

    Sample Answer: I'm motivated by the challenge of a new project and the opportunity to learn something new. I also like to see my clients succeed.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - The candidate's personal goals
    • - How the candidate motivates themselves
    • - The candidate's work ethic

  • Question: What kind of entities have attributes?
  • Question Overview: Potential hires should be able to explain the different types of entities and how they affect the auditing process. This question can also help you learn about the applicant's knowledge of the industry.

    Sample Answer: There are three main types of entities: sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Each one has its own set of attributes that affect how it is audited.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed understanding of different entities
    • - Ability to explain how each entity affects auditing
    • - Knowledge of what makes each entity unique

  • Question: Tell me about your self.
  • Question Overview: This is a very open-ended question, so you want to make sure that you're asking it in a way that will elicit a good response. You want to know about the person's interests, their personality, and their goals.

    Sample Answer: I'm a very hard worker who is always looking for new ways to improve my skills. I'm very dedicated to my job and I'm always looking for ways to improve my performance.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A well-rounded answer that shows the candidate's personality
    • - A desire to learn new skills and take on new challenges
    • - A willingness to work hard and be dedicated

  • Question: Why did you choose to attend this school?
  • Question Overview: This question is a great way to learn about a candidate's interests and goals. You want to hire someone who has a passion for the field and a desire to learn more about it.

    Sample Answer: I chose this school because it offered a strong curriculum in auditing and was close to home. I'm interested in learning more about the industry and working hard to achieve my goals.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Specifics about why the candidate chose this school
    • - A desire to learn more about the industry
    • - A willingness to work hard to achieve their goals

  • Question: How do you conduct an audit?
  • Question Overview: This question will help you learn about the candidate's experience and how they approach their work. You want to hire someone who is detail-oriented and takes the time to do things right.

    Sample Answer: I start by reviewing the client's financial statements and comparing them to the previous year's statements. I then go through each line item and make sure that it matches up with the client's records.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed explanation of the audit process
    • - Ability to explain the process in layman's terms
    • - Examples of how the candidate uses technology

  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation.
  • Question Overview: Any potential hires should be able to explain how they handle difficult situations. This question can help you learn about their problem-solving skills and how they respond to pressure.

    Sample Answer: I had to deal with a difficult client who was very upset about a charge on their bill. I was able to talk them through the issue and explain why it was necessary.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed description of the situation
    • - How the candidate handled the situation
    • - How they feel about the situation now

  • Question: When can you join us?
  • Question Overview: This question is a straightforward one that gives you a chance to learn about the candidate's availability.

    Sample Answer: I can start on May 1st. I have a few things to wrap up before then, but I'm available to come in as soon as possible.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Specific dates the candidate can start
    • - Flexibility in terms of start date
    • - Reasons for any delays in availability

  • Question: What taxes are administered by the Comptroller's Office?
  • Question Overview: The Comptroller's Office is responsible for collecting and distributing taxes for the state of Texas. Potential hires should be able to describe the taxes they're responsible for auditing.

    Sample Answer: The Comptroller's Office is responsible for collecting and distributing sales, use, and franchise taxes. We also audit the state's tax-exempt organizations.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of the tax codes
    • - Ability to explain the tax process
    • - Ability to explain how taxes are collected

  • Question: What are your expectations of the company?
  • Question Overview: This question is a great way to find out what the candidate is looking for in a job. You can use their answers to determine if you can provide what they're looking for.

    Sample Answer: I want to work for a company that values my experience and will give me the opportunity to learn new skills. I want to work with people who are willing to take on challenges and learn from them.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Specific expectations of the company
    • - A desire to work in a collaborative environment
    • - A willingness to work hard

  • Question: What is your writing style?
  • Question Overview: You want to hire an auditor who can write clearly and concisely. This question will help you get a sense of the candidate's writing style and how they approach their work.

    Sample Answer: I always use clear, concise language when I write reports. I also try to use layman's terms when explaining technical concepts. I can write quickly when necessary.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Precise
    • - clear writing style
    • - Ability to explain technical concepts in layman's terms
    • - Ability to write quickly

  • Question: What do you know about DCAA?
  • Question Overview: The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) is a government agency that oversees the audits of defense contractors. This question will help you learn about a potential hire's knowledge of the industry and how they handle pressure.

    Sample Answer: I know that DCAA is a government agency that oversees the audits of defense contractors. It's important for all contractors to understand the role of DCAA in their business.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of DCAA
    • - Ability to explain the importance of DCAA
    • - Ability to explain the role of DCAA in the industry

  • Question: How can you be sure that a reconciliation form is genuine?
  • Question Overview: Auditors need to be able to spot irregularities in financial documents and reconcile them with the original source. This question will help you learn how the candidate thinks about their work and how they approach problems.

    Sample Answer: I check for irregularities by looking at the document's history and comparing it to the current version. I also check the document's signature and look for any discrepancies.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed explanation of how the auditor checks for irregularities
    • - Examples of how the auditor checks for irregularities
    • - An understanding that there's always room to improv

  • Question: How would you find out a client's earnings if they are not forthcoming?
  • Question Overview: You want to hire an auditor who will do whatever it takes to get the information they need to do their job. This question can help you learn about a candidate's persistence and resourcefulness.

    Sample Answer: I would contact the client's accountant or other financial advisors to get the information I need. I would also look at their tax returns, if possible.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed explanation of how the candidate would get the information
    • - Positive attitude about finding the information
    • - A willingness to go above and beyond

  • Question: What are your expectations from this job?
  • Question Overview: You want to hire an auditor who is excited about the position and has a clear idea of what they want to get out of it. Answers to this question will help you learn more about the candidate's goals and how they plan to achieve them.

    Sample Answer: I want to use this job as a stepping stone to a long-term career in auditing. I'm hoping to gain experience in several different areas of the field and eventually become a partner in the company.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Specific goals for the job
    • - Long-term career goals
    • - A willingness to work hard for the position

  • Question: What are your three weaknesses?
  • Question Overview: This is a classic interview question that gives you a chance to learn more about the candidate's personality. You want to hire someone who is honest and willing to admit their shortcomings, but you also want to make sure they're not just saying what they think you want to hear.

    Sample Answer: I'm a perfectionist and I sometimes get frustrated when I can't do something perfectly the first time. I'm working on learning to be more patient with myself and my work.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Honest answers
    • - A willingness to improve on weaknesses
    • - A desire to learn from mistakes

  • Question: What is the difference between financial audit and tax audit?
  • Question Overview: It's important to know the difference between these two types of audits, but it's also important to know how they're similar. A potential hire should be able to explain the differences and similarities in a simple manner.

    Sample Answer: A financial audit is a review of a company's financial records to ensure that they are accurate and comply with generally accepted accounting principles. A tax audit is a review of a company's tax records to ensure that they are accurate and comply with applicable tax laws.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to explain the difference between financial and tax audits
    • - Knowledge of how the two are similar
    • - Ability to explain the differences in layman's terms

  • Question: What is the difference between an income statement and a balance sheet?
  • Question Overview: An auditor should have a good grasp of the basics of accounting and be able to explain the difference between these two financial statements.

    Sample Answer: An income statement is a record of all the money that comes into a business. A balance sheet is a record of all the money that goes out of a business.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Detailed knowledge of the difference
    • - Ability to explain in layman's terms
    • - Ability to explain in detail